
Zina in Islam: An In-Depth Understanding Based on the Quran and Authentic Islamic Sources


Zina includes all acts of sexual intercourse outside marriage, such as adultery or before marriage. The jurisprudence of Islam explains zina as the general expression of fornication that refers to illegal relations of two unmarried individuals. Secondly, adultery refers to zina that includes at least one married person.

The Quranic View

The Qur’an has explicitly banned zina. It is thus:
“Do not come near zina, as it is a filthy evil.”
(Surah Al-Isra, 17:32)
This verse forbids zina and also exhorts Muslims to avoid things that may lead to it, such as mingling freely without boundaries, talking about inappropriate things, or exposing one’s beauty unnecessarily.

Zina in Hadith

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stressed the gravity of zina in several Hadith. In Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, he cautioned against acts that would result in zina, saying that it not only corrupts the person but also the society at large.
“No one commits adultery while they are a believer, for when they commit adultery, faith departs from them.”
(Sahih al-Bukhari: 2475, Sahih Muslim: 57)
The Hadith states that zina is a matter of faith and how it separates a person from Allah’s mercy.

Kinds of Zina

Islam categorizes zina into two broad categories depending on the marital status of the offender:

Zina of the Unmarried (Fornication)
The punishment for unmarried people who commit zina is public flogging with 100 lashes, as stated in the Quran:
“The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication, flog each one of them with a hundred stripes. “.
(Surah An-Nur, 24:2)

Zina of the Married (Adultery)
For the married ones, the punishment according to the actual Hadith and the unanimous consent of Islamic scholars is that of stoning to death. The punishment is extreme as it includes breach of sanctity with resultant betrayal.

Impact of Zina

Religious Impact

Zina attracts Allah’s wrath and brings about spiritual downfall. It is one of the grave sins (kabair) in Islam, and true repentance is required to receive forgiveness.

Social Impact

Zina causes social disorder, and broken families and illegitimacy and emotional distress are some of the negative impacts. It also ruins the institution of marriage, which is sacred in Islam.

Health and Psychological Effects

Engaging in zina can lead to the following physical consequences: sexually transmitted diseases. It also brings about psychological effects, like guilt, shame, and emotional instability..

Preventive Measures Against Zina

Lowering the Gaze

The Quran instructs both men and women to lower their gaze to prevent lustful thoughts:
“Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and guard their private parts.
That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what they do.”
(Surah An-Nur, 24:30)

Maintaining Modesty

Islam promotes modesty in dress and conduct to avoid temptations. Women are commanded to wear the hijab, and men are counseled to dress modestly.

Avoiding Tempting Situations

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) warned against being alone with a non-mahram (a person with whom marriage is permissible):
“No man is alone with a woman but that the third of them is Satan.”
(Sunan At-Tirmidhi, 2165)

Early Marriage

Islam encourages marriage as a means to protect oneself from zina. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“O young men! Whoever amongst you can afford it, he should marry, for marriage is more effective in lowering the gaze and preserving chastity. “

Sahih al-Bukhari, 5066; Sahih Muslim, 1400

Zina Punishment: An Effective Deterrent

Isma’ recognizes that zina will have severe punishments set to deter individuals and thus maintain societal morality. These punishments are, however exercised only after the rigorous requirements are met to be done justly.

Prerequisites for Implementation

Four Truthful Witnesses

Witnesses must testify that they saw the act explicitly. This strict condition prevents false accusations and upholds the dignity of individuals.


A person guilty of zina may confess voluntarily, as in the Hadith about Ma’iz and the Ghamidi woman, who admitted their sins and accepted the prescribed punishment.

Repentance: A Path to Forgiveness

Allah’s mercy is boundless, and sincere repentance can absolve even major sins like zina:
“And those who do not invoke with Allah another deity or kill the soul which Allah has forbidden except with right, and do not commit unlawful intercourse.
And whoever should do that will find a penalty. Except for those who repent, believe, and do righteous work. For them, Allah will replace their evil deeds with good. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.”
(Surah Al-Furqan, 25:68-70)

Role of Society in Counteracting Zina

Advocacy for Islamic Studies

A people with moral and spiritual awareness regarding zina become aware and are responsible in upholding Islamic teachings.
Supportive Society
No one should get isolated from society; strong families and friends tend to restrict people from committing vices.


Marriage discourages them from indulging in immoral activities, because such actions are bound to come back to destroy their peaceful and blissful life.
Making marriage simple and affordable helps people fulfill their natural desires lawfully, with reduced chances of zina.

Myths and Misconceptions About Zina

Is Zina Just a Physical Act?

No, zina involves acts that culminate in unlawful desires such as lustful gazes, conversations, or contact. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“The adultery of the eyes is looking (at something unlawful), the adultery of the tongue is speaking (what is unlawful), and the heart desires and wishes, and the private parts confirm or deny that.”

(Sahih al-Bukhari: 6243, Sahih Muslim: 2657)

Is Zina Forgivable?

Absolutely. True repentance will cleanse this sin for Allah’s mercy covers all sins for those who turn unto Him with a contrite heart.
Zina is not only a sin but is also a disease that harms societies; it gradually eats into the moral fibers of the community.
Therefore, prohibition of zina in Islam along with preventive measures and repentance is a comprehensive approach for dignity in human beings and social harmony.

It is a responsibility to fight against zina on the part of an individual and society. If Muslims act according to Islamic teachings, avoid lowering their gaze, and maintain modesty with other people, they would protect themselves and their society from this major sin.
O Allah, guide us on the right path, save us from zina, and give us the power to perform Your commandments.

FAQs About Zina in Islam

What constitutes zina in Islam?
Zina refers to any unlawful sexual relations outside the bounds of marriage, whether premarital or extramarital.

What is the punishment for zina?
The punishment for unmarried individuals is 100 lashes, while married individuals may face stoning to death, provided stringent evidence is presented.

Can someone repent after committing zina?
Yes, sincere repentance, belief, and righteous deeds can lead to forgiveness from Allah.

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